Worrying about how you’ll cope during the holidays???
I’ve been there… A time that’s supposed to be filled with happiness and joy, is actually filled with loneliness and anxiety. Pregnancy and having a baby isn’t easy, especially if you’re struggling with your physical, emotional or mental health.
I remember for 3 years how I couldn’t enjoy the holidays because I was SO drained during my pregnancy, recovery and from my chronic migraines. Not only that but how much guilt I felt because I couldn’t give my boys the day everyone else will have. They got the presents but they didn’t get mummy. I was exhausted, and for me it was just another day fighting pain.
So for those of you who are celebrating Christmas and are struggling, whether it’s exhaustion, anxiety, PND or anything else – I get it!
Here are a few tips to help you get through the holidays:
1. Be kind to yourself – whatever it is your going through, it’s real – so don’t be hard on yourself. Give yourself the same compassion as you would do your friends and stay within your boundaries.
2. Don’t compare yourself to others – this will only make you feel worse. No one’s pregnancy, family, or parenting journey is perfect, however much it ‘looks’ like it. Remember your life, your circumstances are unique to you and focus on that.
3. Talk to your loved ones – whether it’s your husband, mum or sister, talk to them so they can help you through the holidays. If they don’t know how you’re feeling or how to help, they can’t support you. Create your own little safe bubble of people that you can go to when you’re feeling overwhelmed.
4. Remember it’s only temporary – this won’t last forever and you will get better. Knowing it’s just a phase in your life rather than your life itself will help you to not feel so down. Plus, there ARE ways to manage it.
5. Know your kids love you no matter what – they don’t love what you buy them or what you do for them – they love you. When my kids remember the holidays where I was hardly present, they still remember it being a fun time. We might focus on the negatives, but they don’t!
Happy holidays 🙂
If you’re struggling with anxiety or your emotional wellbeing, I offer Perinatal Emotional Wellbeing Support to help mums feel more calm and positive.